2D/3D   D R A F T I N G   A N D   M O D E L L I N G

2 D  D R A F T I N G

We can provide 2D drafting services for interested companies, like boat or architectural design offices, for small and large companies in need of support. We can provide 2D technical drawings created in AutoCAD or illustrations created in GIMP or Inkscape. Follow this link to see a showcase of 2D models created by us.

3 D  M O D E L L I N G

We can provide 3D modelling services for interested companies, like boat or architectural design offices, for small and large companies in need of support. We can provide 3D models created in Rhino3D, using the latest release of Solid Edge or Blender, renderings created in Flamingo3D or Penguin 3D.

We can help you in taking advantage of the new web technology WegGL which allows you showing your products in full 3D, directly in the internet browser. Follow this link to see a showcase of 3D models created by us.

3 D  W E B G L

A first experiment in WebGL, a 3D model of ARL41Cruiser, a 41' simple and "honest" monohull. A fairly complex model of a sailing boat created in less than 2.0Mb (download). Tested in Firefox ver. 43.0.4, Chrome ver. 47.0.2526.111 m. Three.js (WebGL) world date 22.12.12 - R.002.

A 3D model of ARL-HB80 HouseBoat, a luxurious (without being ostentatious) houseboat for two couples or a couple with children. Tested with Firefox ver.18.0.2 and Chrome ver.24.0.1312.57. Created 14.02.2013 (R.001).

Take advantage of our experience!


ARL-HB80 HouseBoat. ARL41Cruiser.